+41 43 222 38 00
Carsten Otto works as an Attorney-at-law specialized in Litigation and Arbitration. He advises clients in Switzerland and abroad on corporate and commercial law disputes and represents them before national courts and arbitration tribunals.
Additionally, Carsten Otto represents companies and individuals as private claimants in white-collar and commercial fraud proceedings before federal and cantonal criminal justice authorities.
Carsten Otto regularly publishes on topics of procedural and commercial law and has experience in Latin American legal matters, particularly in Brazil.
Carsten is currently pursuing his LL.M. at the University of Chicago. He will rejoin to Wenger Plattner in the second half of 2025.
Interim Junior Associate
Consultant Lawyer
Junior Associate
Master of Law and Economics
Exchange Semester
Member of the Executive Committee
March 1, 2023
Pre-trial rights of information and inspection under Swiss law
Adam Herzfeld | Carsten Otto
Aufsichtsbeschwerde gemäss Art. 17 SchKG
Stephan Kesselbach | Carsten Otto
May 15, 2020
Vollstreckung eines vor dem Friedensrichter abgeschlossenen Vergleichs, Besprechung BG Horgen EZ190003
Carsten Otto
April 15, 2020
Kostenregelung nach einem Vergleich, Besprechung KGer BL 410 19 43
May 16, 2019
Solvency requirements for Insurers in Europe and Brazil – A comparative law analysis
December 31, 2016
Auch im Tod gilt EU-Recht - Rechtzeitige Planung schützt vor Überraschungen