+41 61 279 70 00
Werner Wenger is one of the Founding Partners of Wenger Plattner. Since 2012, he has been practicing as Senior Counsel.
In recent decades, Werner Wenger has been particularly active in the field of international and domestic arbitration, often as chairman of the arbitral tribunal or as a sole arbitrator, both in institutional proceedings (ICC, Swiss Rules, etc.) and in ad hoc proceedings. Werner Wenger will conclude the currently pending proceedings in the course of the coming months.
Furthermore, Werner Wenger has been and continues to be an advisor for companies and private individuals, particularly in the areas of corporate law, real estate law and estate planning. In the course of 2024, he will hand over these mandates to younger colleagues and limit his own activities to accompanying a few long-standing advisory relationships.
Senior Counsel
Associate, from 1977 Partner
Dr. iur.
lic. iur.
Board Member
December 5, 2016
Polyvalente Schieds(gutachtens)klauseln, Anmerkungen zu BGE 142 III 220
Werner Wenger
January 1, 2013
Kommentar zu Art. 353-356 ZPO
January 1, 2012
Ein Kontrapunkt: Die neue Schiedsgerichtsordnung der Handelskammer Deutschland-Schweiz
January 1, 2010
The New Law on Domestic Arbitration: How International is it?
January 1, 2006
The Role of the Arbitrator in Bringing about a Settlement - A Swiss Perspective