IP, IT & Data Protection

Wenger Plattner advises in all areas of intellectual property law and related fields. Where required, we represent clients before all Swiss courts.

The IP and IT Practice Team supports companies, foundations, associations and private individuals in the classic areas of intellectual property law, such as trademark, patent and copyright law. We are also specialized in related disciplines, including personality, name and company law, the law against unfair competition, IT law and data protection.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights serve to secure and economically exploit inventions, trademarks, designs and copyrighted works. We have experience and expertise in all aspects of trademark, design and copyright law and represent our clients in all matters related to these areas. In patent law, we advise our clients in collaboration with external patent attorneys. We conduct litigation nationwide in intellectual property law. Additionally, we have extensive experience in contractual issues related to intellectual property rights, particularly in licensing and the sale of intellectual property rights, for example in the context of M&A transactions. We also offer support with intellectual property and other issues in the context of franchising, sponsorship and technology transfer agreements.

Related Legal Areas

Rights that are also of an intangible nature but do not aim to protect creative work are attributed to intellectual property law in a broader sense. Such rights protect, for example, personality, name or free and fair competition. Especially in contractual and procedural issues in personality, name and company law as well as the law against unfair competition, there are numerous parallels to intellectual property rights. In these areas too, we have extensive experience in both, advisory and litigation.

IT Law

IT law concerns all legal issues related to information technologies. We advise our clients on software development contracts, legal questions in the area of e-commerce, contracts concerning SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, as well as legal topics around artificial intelligence. We have particular expertise in the area of copyright protection of software.

Data Protection

 Not only since the fully revised Federal Data Protection Act (DSG) entered into force has data protection come to the attention of a broader audience. We advise our clients in all areas of data protection and support them on the path to DSG-compliant processes.

« By combining my expertise with my knowledge of cultural and sports matters, I can offer our clients significant added value and optimally support them in protecting and exploiting their intangible assets.

Dr. Martina Braun

Counsel, Wenger Plattner

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Your Contact Person

Damian Schai – Partner in the Practice Group IP, IT & Data Protection as well as in the Life Sciences & Health Law sector – is your contact person for this topic

Portrait of Dr. Damian Schai

Dr. Damian Schai






+41 61 279 70 00







November 30, 2023

Besprechung | Compte rendu, Véronique Waser Breitenmoser, Die markenrechtliche Schutzfähigkeit der Produkteverpackung

Damian Schai

October 12, 2023

Besprechung der Habilitation «Publizität und Register im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz» von Gregor Wild

Martina Braun
