Wenger Plattner advises, supports and represents you in all aspects of employment law, including collective and public labour law.
We strive to provide you with practical solutions tailored to your needs, and persistently advocate for your rights before administrative authorities and in courts.
We support our clients in drafting and amending all sorts of employment contracts and work regulations as well as other employment documents. This includes incentive programs for variable compensation awards (bonus award plans) as well as social plans. We also draft employment contracts for positions with monthly or hourly wages, commission-based remuneration models, contracts for staff leasing (temporary work), contracts for flexible on-call work models and contracts for international employee assignments (cross-border deployment as well as secondments abroad). Additionally, we assist with drafting work regulations for remote work (working in the employee’s home office or elsewhere outside of the employer’s office space), company car regulations, expense regulations, working time regulations and other employment law documents such as release letters, notice of termination letters (individual dismissals and mass layoffs), mutual termination agreements, communications regarding the termination of employment and work reference letters.
We assist employers in establishing and opening their own business in Switzerland. Our support includes obtaining all types of permits. We have particular experience with obtaining permits for staff leasing, Sunday and night work permits, work permits for long-term assignments (longer than three months) and the notification procedure under the bilateral agreement on the free movement of persons between Switzerland and the EU for short-term assignments of up to three months.
Our attorneys have extensive litigation experience. We represent employers as well as high-ranking managers and entrepreneurs. Our repertoire includes, inter alia, wrongful terminations, internal investigations regarding criminal behavior in the workplace, complex bonus disputes and disputes over commission compensations. In collective labour disputes, we act as arbitrators and represent employers before collective arbitrational tribunals as well as joint implementation bodies.
We have the necessary commercial and entrepreneurial background to assist you with restructuring, reorganizations and company acquisitions and to put you in touch with specialists who complement our employment law services. As a full-service law firm, we have for example our own tax specialists and also cover areas related to social security law.
« We enforce your rights and ensure compliance in your business.
Roland Bachmann
Partner, Wenger Plattner
Roland Bachmann – Partner of the Practice Group Litigation and Arbitration – is your contact person for the Employment Law Practice Group.
+41 43 222 38 81
+41 79 102 37 20
+41 61 279 70 00
+41 43 222 38 00
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