Wenger Plattner advises and represents companies on all issues of competition and antitrust law. We operate nationwide.
The significance of domestic and international antitrust and competition law is continuously growing, not only for large corporations but especially for SMEs. Our advisory focus includes the following topics, which are particularly important in everyday business: distribution agreements and distribution systems, franchising agreements, general terms and conditions (GTC) and general delivery conditions (GDC). Additionally, we advise and represent companies in planned mergers (merger control).
Proceedings before competition authorities are complex and costly. High penalties are imposed for competition offenses. We systematically review contracts and behaviors for our clients to ensure compliance with competition and antitrust law. Furthermore, we organize training sessions for employees at all levels.
We develop manuals and guidelines for our clients and provide standby teams. We also conduct training sessions regarding dawn raids.
In all these areas, we represent clients before courts and authorities, such as the Competition Commission. Through our early advice, we identify potential conflicts and help to avoid disputes.
« Better safe than sorry: Early antitrust advice from a specialist pays off!
Dr. Fritz Rothenbühler
Partner, Wenger Plattner
Fritz Rothenbühler – Partner in the Practice Group Insolvency and Restructuring as well as Corporate and Competition Law – is your contact person on this topic.
+41 31 357 00 00
+41 61 279 70 00
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